“Because of the Coronavirus, Spiritualist Desert Church remains closed for in person services until further notice.
Please join our live Zoom service on Sundays at 11 AM (pacific time) or watch our service recording by using the purple services button.
To receive a Zoom invitation please contact us using the blue button.
We look forward to seeing you again soon.”

We will keep you updated as we can. See further below, in this email, for additional contact information.During this crisis, we would again like to remind everyone of Andrew Jackson Davis’ Magic Staff: “Under all circumstances keep an even mind. “We would also like to ask our members and friends to hold an energetic space of healing and peace during this time of uncertainty. 

If you would like to be placed on our healing list, please contact us at our email address,   spiritualistdesertchurch@yahoo.com.

Thank you for your cooperation and for standing with us in the light.  The Spiritualist Desert Church Board. 


to our church’s website! Feel free to browse around. Announcements are updated weekly and you can view them right here on the home page or click the Announcements tab. If you would like to come see one of our services please click on the calendar tab. If you are here to just submit a healing request you can do so by clicking the Healing Request tab. Thank you for visiting our website and do not hesitate to Contact Us if you have any questions and your presence is truly welcome at our services.

-Walk in Loving Light

“The Board of Directors and Pastoral Committee of Spiritualist Desert Church”


Please take a moment and check out the new updates on our website. New additions include our Newsletter and Past Services. We did a slight change in design look and added a few new links to our navigation menu too.

What We Believe

A Spiritualist is:…one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the Spirit World by means of mediumship and who endeavors to mold his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communication.
Reprinted from the NSAC Manual


1. We believe in Infinite Intelligence.

2. We believe that the phenomena of Nature, both physical and spiritual, are the expression of Infinite Intelligence.

3. We affirm that a correct understanding of such expression and living in accordance there with, constitute true religion.

4. We affirm that the existence and personal identity of the individual continue after the change called death.

5. We affirm that communication with the so-called dead is a fact, scientifically proven by the phenomena of Spiritualism.

6. We believe that the highest morality is contained in the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

7. We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.

8. We affirm that the doorway to reformation is never closed against any soul here or hereafter.

9. We affirm that the precepts of Prophecy and Healing are Divine attributes proven through Mediumship.

Adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches


Spiritualist Desert Church
3305 West Spring Mountain Road Ste 55
Las Vegas, NV 89102-8639

Phone: 702-876-8783 (Leave a message)

Look for our logo and sign
on the window of Suite 51.